

    Welcome to the

    RICS Rating Diploma Study Course

    This site provides access to the Moodle courses for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' Rating Diploma Study courses

    For the Rating Diploma website please visit www.diprating.org

    The next available course will start in September 2025 with applications being sought by the end of June 2025 for the English/Welsh, Scottish, Irish and Northern Ireland syllabi.

    Please contact the RICS Rating Diploma Holders' Section Secretary with any queries at Secretary@diprating.co.uk


Available courses

The study course that began in September 2024 for England/Wales and Irish candidates

The study course that began in September 2023 for England/Wales and Scottish candidates

The study course that began in September 2022 for England/Wales candidates

The study course that began in September 2021 for England/Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland candidates


The study course that began in September 2020 for England/Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland candidates


The study course that began in September 2019 for England/Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland candidates


The study course that finished in October 2020 for English/Welsh, Northern Ireland and Scottish candidates